Initially, this episode was inspired by the stories of Scarlett Johannson and Riley Keough fighting back against brazen rip-off attempts. And it was fueled by the news that scammers hauled in a record $10 billion in 2023 and how this personal finance writer was somehow conned out of $50,000 in cash.
But it soon zoomed out into the bigger picture: the importance of individual boundaries in a chaotic world. So we ended up talking about teaching kids to defend themselves (or walk away), helping our parents get heard by healthcare providers, and avoiding scams that we think we're too smart to fall for.
We recalled some of the experiences we’ve had with our kids and parents. And since the best way to build boundaries (and fend off bad actors) is to find and share useful information, we’re starting a discussion thread in our Facebook group. That writer is still recovering from losing $50K, but fighting through the shame to tell her story will definitely help keep someone else from repeating her mistakes.
Also: we have very different opinions about the banter that opens many podcast episodes. Does it add value to your listening experience? Or is it just pointless fluff that tries your patience?
Other links:
On HuffPo: How to fall in love with a silent stranger
The website provides an AI-free Google search
Twenty-year-olds reported losing money more often, but adults 70 and over lost the most.
Episode 47: Helping our kids and parents know when to stand up for themselves.